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Post Landing Assistance

Post Landing Assistance

Move…Relocate…Transfer…Shift…Transition…Don’t these terms send a chill down your spine and scare you off on the very thought of migrating somewhere? But yet we all end up doing it……why? That’s because we do not always think about ourselves. We look at our spouse; maybe they will do better than what they are doing presently, we look at our children; maybe they need a better educational system, maybe they can get a better environment, may be the decision to relocate will help them in their life… if you have thought about moving to Canada, then look no further…you have made the right choice!

Canada is a multi-cultural society filled with people from various backgrounds. They vary from colour, race, food, etiquettes, etc. As a new comer to Canada, you may take some time to settle in to this society and understand the people from different walks of life and the culture at home, public or office. There is a lot to be done, both before and after you get your permanent residency. Migrating overseas can throw up challenges for you. Often, the process of settling down can get unnerving for the majority of us, to say the least. Leaving behind your friends and family home and starting afresh can be an uphill task. 

You might have just got your permanent residency visa and landed in your new country. There is a lot of work still to be done. Making the transition much smoother for you, post landing services include assistance with finding housing, securing a job, registration with the local authorities etc.

When you opt for post landing services, you get professionals taking care of all the details for you, letting you focus instead on starting your new life in your new country.

Post Landing Services Offered by Enaaya Consulting

Immigration begins with the application process and ends with successful assimilation into the new country. Settlement and integration comprise many different factors that come together to create a life journey. 

With dependable and reliable post landing services, you can start preparing for your new life with perfect ease of mind.

Enaaya Consulting offers a wide range of post landing services that will enable and empower you to settle down successfully as an immigrant. 

Services Offered by Enaaya Consulting

In co-ordination with our associates, we provide exclusive deals to our clients for placement & settlement. We assist our clients in settlement and groom them for the job market in their destination country and help them find a job after their landing. We provide complete assistance in the settlement of our clients and in grooming our clients for the job market in their country of destination and finding a job for them after they land in the country.